Sunday, March 22, 2009

Flickingeria from Johore

This Flickingeria was attached to a piece of tree branch together with a plant of Dendrobium grande and another unknown dendrobium. The branch supposedly came from a logged tree in kota tinggi. It is quite free flowering esp. when the weather is cooler but the flowers last only one day.

Bulbophyllum plumatum

This interesting bulbophyllum flowered a few days ago and i did not even see the flower spike while it was developing. It really came as a surprise when i saw it in front of me. The flower is about 20 cm long.A close-up of the interesting "helmet".

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dendrobium farmeri Opened

The flowers are funally open. Other than the purple tinge, they look just like the Den. farmeri var. album. The pseudobulbs of this dendrobium is slightly shorter but it is also four-angled. One of them came from Mr. Lim in Penang while the other was from Woon Leng. I cannot remember which is which now. Must ask Mr. Lim when i see him again. The purple tinge makes the flowers very pretty.

Close-up of one of the flowers.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dendrobium farmeri

This Debdrobium is flowering for the first time. It is mounted on a piece of fern bark and has not flowered for a long, long, long time. I believe it should be a farmeri because it has a violet tinge. My other farmeri var album ( Dendrobium palpebrae) has no problem flowering at all.

Paph. haynaldianum

My Paph. haynaldianum is flowering again. I am so pleased with this plant because it is always flowering.
The flowers of Paph. Shireen are still going strong after 2 weeks or so. The yellow fly sticker is very useful in getting rid of flying bugs.