Thursday, August 22, 2024

Paphiopedilum glanduliferum

According to many experts Paph glanduliferum is either extinct or synonym of P. praestans. My observation is that the plants currently sold as glanduliferum tend to have broader and longer leaves than those sold as praestans. The flower stalk is also much thicker...but...the flowers look alike.  This is a recent glanduliferum which flowered.

Phalaenopsis pantherina

A very rare specimen of Phalaenopsis pantherina with extremely good form and size. The flower is the same size as the P. Bellina. 

Phalaenopsis bellina

 I was surprised to see that this plant is actually a bellina. It has not flowered for a long time and had been shifted around so much that I lost the label. The flower is rather big so let's hope it gets a bit bigger when the plant grow larger leaves.

Aerides lawrenceae

 This is a very old plant from Penang. It used to be in the collection of Mr Lim Song.