Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dendrobium pachyphyllum

I have two colonies of Dendrobium pachyphyllums. One colony is mounted on top of my wooden orchid shelter (the Penthouse Gang) while the other colony grows around a coconut husk pot originally meant for my Dendrobium anosmum (the Coconut Gang).

The Penthouse Gang of Dendrobium pachyphyllum

Closer look at the Penthouse Gang

As close as my camera could go.

The Coconut Gang, originally a few strays from the Penthouse Gang. I like this Dendrobium cos it flowers all the time, esp. when the weather becomes a bit cooler due to a few days of rain. As with all good things, it doesn't last long. It stays fresh only for a day or two.

Closer look at the Coconut Gang.


  1. Awesome. I've always liked pachyphyllum.

  2. Thanks for visiting bro. Too bad they only flower for a day.
