Monday, February 16, 2009

These Are Flowering Again

This Phal. Princess Kaiulani x George Vasquez is flowering again. This shot was taken with flash so the colour is close to the real thing.

This large flower type of Den anosmum has been with me for a long time. It was a gift from my classmate Eng T.W when i used to visit his house when we were studying at TK Tech. This Den. was part of his brother's collection. The flowers usually appear around CNY and the fragrance is very strong. This alba form is also flowering. This is a solo flower on a cane but a few other canes are now developing flower buds as well.


  1. Hi Joe nice blog.
    I"m also in Upper Thomson but my orchids are not as well grown as yours.

    For nobile type orchids how do you get them to flower ? Mine so far drop leaves then grow more small keikis :(

  2. Hi Pf, for the anosmums as long as the canes grow long and strong during the growing months then flowering is almost guaranteed around this time. Most of my longer canes are developing flower buds now. The nobile types are difficult and requires drying (rest) from Nov to Feb. Very difficult for me cos i mount all my orchids very close so it is difficult not to wet my Den. nobile. So far it has not flowered too.
