Monday, June 22, 2009

Mr. Lim Song's Paphs

An orchid veteran's own way of growing Paphs. Very interesting cos the plants are very healthy and are even spreading. Mr. Lim had grown barbatums, callosums, niveums etc together! I would think that the barbatas and the brachys should be grown in different medium? But Mr. Lim just laughed at me and padded my back. What is his secret recipe? The water from the hills? The rural proximity to the nature in Balik Pulau??


  1. I think the secret recipe is pH management. Right?

  2. Ha ha ha somehow i knew you would say that. But you may be right cos he may not consiously be measuring and maintaining it but somehow some kind of balancing factors may be present in the environment around the plants. I went up two waterfalls in penang last weekend hoping to photograph some barbatums in their natural habitat but too bad no luck.
