Monday, March 22, 2010

Paphiopedilum glanduliferum

Top:  The developing flower spike about a week ago.

Below:  The flower today.

This time round the plant produced two flower spikes in response to a sudden rain after the long dry and hot weather recently.  I saw the developing flower spike one morning a few days after the rain in the middle of the dry spell and i thought oh no! because the rain only lasted a day and the dry spell contimued.  I thought the flower spike might dry up in one day or two if the rain did not persist but luckily it survived long enough to take full advantage of the recent cool rain.  The flowers are very well developed this morning and the second flower spike is pressed against the netting but i'm not going to shift the pot around this time.  I'll just leave it to nature.  If a snail or slug comes along then so be it (they always use the netting to move around).

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